Thursday, July 29, 2010


I've decided to start taking the Brands Innershine Prune Essence again. I reviewed it earlier and it didn't do much for my skin,but I'm still hoping it will help my bowel movement.

Lately, I have been less diligent with drinking my Fancl TenseUp EX partly because I'm always too sleepy to remember to drink it and also because of the price. It's getting too expensive to drink this everyday. I am thinking of switching to the collagen pills but I'm not too keen on popping pills daily (I tried it before when I was taking Fancl Hyaluronic Premium Supplement pills and I didn't like the feeling of swallowing pills everyday).

I am also thinking of taking Vitamin E supplements as it is a very good anti-oxidant. But as supplement-taking is a long term thing, I wonder if I am able to commit to it.

What do you all think about taking supplements daily?

1 comment:

  1. I think prunes would be better in improving your bowel movement. It works on my friends quite well.


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