Friday, January 29, 2010

Review: Watsons Chamomile Face Mask

I used to be a big mask fanatic. I loved all masks and would mask every other day, sometimes everyday. But I have since cut down on my mask usage - firstly because it took too much of my time; secondly it made my skin dryer. So I had to constantly mask so that my skin would be moisturised. I read somewhere that if you mask too often, the skin would get the message that there is no need to produce that much natural skin oil (sebum) to lubricate the skin and hence resulting in dryer skin.

Before I cut down on my mask usage, I stocked up on the Watsons Chamomile Facial Mask when they had the $1 sale. As I masked so frequently, I thought it was a cheap and good mask to stock up on.

The mask sheet adheres well enough for the price. It does not adhere as well as the Neutrogena Deep Hydrating Mask, nor is it as moisturise as well but it does offer some brightening effects. My skin tone seems to even out after usage of the mask. That's why I stocked up on this flavour and not the others.

The mask essence is a bit on the sticky side, which is what I dislike about this mask. I like my mask essence to be watery and easily absorbed. I find it difficult to put on my moisturiser after using this mask unless I wash off the remaining mask essence after I am done massaging it into my skin.

As I mentioned before in my earlier entry, mask essences should not be thick and sticky because it contains ingredients to 'thicken' up the essence, very similar to using corn starch to thicken up sauces while cooking. Although watery is my preferred choice, there is also a caution that too much water with little good ingredients is also not good. So it is very important to read the label for the ingredient list every time you buy a product.

I hope you found the review and tips useful. The Watsons Chamomile Mask might not be the best mask around but in terms of affordability, it is good value for money.

Rate: 3/5

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